Charitable Partners
RGR are proud to be involved with many charities and we regularly donate and sponsor these charities who do such dedicated and kind work. We encourage our staff members to participate when they can in charity organised events.
The charities we work with are as following:

The Pink Ribbon Foundation is a grant making trust with a mission to fund projects and provide financial support to UK charities which relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, have been affected by breast cancer, or who work to advance the understanding of breast cancer and its early detection and treatment.

Trees for Cities is the only charity working on an International scale to create greener cities. They strengthen communities through volunteering opportunities and inspire children to grow and eat healthy food. They started over 20 years ago, with a mission to plant trees in some of the greyish parts of London, ensuring that it remains liveable for our growing urban population. To date they have planted over 600,000 trees and have now reach 25 cities in the UK and overseas.

Business Fights Poverty is the International, free-to-join professional network for those passionate about fighting poverty throughout business. The network connects practitioners and experts around the world to form a global community pushing the boundaries of how business can fight poverty.
Since 1999 the Trust has distributed over £5 million equally between the six charities it supports. Blue Cross, Brooke, Compassion in World Farming, World Horse Welfare, Racing Welfare and The British Thoroughbred Retraining Centre. In addition, the Trust has pledged over £7 million to other charitable causes, mainly equine or equine related.

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